Social Action
Social Action
The Social Action Committee of CSH invites you to participate in these important communities activities. For more information contact the office 281-488-5861.
"Cookies for Cops"
We collected "Cookies for Cops" and deliver them to the Clear Lake and Pasadena offices of Precinct 8 Constables Offices and also to the HPD Office on Bay Area Blvd as a "Thank You" for all they do for us and the community. We try to do our platters for them every 3 – 4 months so you might want to join us for future collections.
Coupon Bank
The Shaar Hashalom Coupon Bank wants your food coupons. Place your coupons in the Coupon Bank located just inside of the school entrance at CSH. They are then donated to various Food Banks in the Greater Clear Lake area.
Yom Kippur Food Drive
One reason for the Yom Kippur fast is to remind ourselves of the hunger many people face throughout the year. Make this year’s fast still more meaningful by bringing nonperishable foods to donate on Yom Kippur.
Our tradition at CSH is to donate the equivalent of food that each of your family members would normally eat during a 24 hour period. Each year the Yom Kippur Food Drive donations go to various Food Banks in the Greater Clear Lake area.
Clear Lake Pantry Food Drive
Our monthly Food Drive supporting our Clear Lake neighbors in need through the Clear Lake Food Pantry will be held in the CSH parking lot. We also accept monetary donations in-person at the collection event, by mail, or through CSH's website. Collecting non-perishable foods in our parking lot. Need Some Help? If you find you are in need of food, water, etc. or know someone that is please Let Us Know.
Purim Food Drive
Giving of Mishloach Manot - The source for Mishloach Manot is found in the book of Esther in chapter 9. Immediately after the military victory over their enemies the Jews celebrated and established a day of festivities and joy, called Purim. The way they celebrated this holiday was by having a big feast, the giving of "Mishloach Manot Ish L'Re'ehu" (gifts of food to one's friends) and giving money to the poor (9:19,22).
Here at Congregation Shaar Hashalom (CSH), we also have a tradition. Each year the Purim Food Drive donations go to various Food Banks in the Greater Clear Lake area.
Blessing of the Animals
The Mishnah teaches that the beginning of the month of Elul was "the new year of the animals" used to calculate the age of animals used as offerings. At CSH we recast that designated date as one of celebration of our animal companions. We bring our dogs, cats, chickens, guinea pigs, fish, etc. to the CSH playground where we will offer a blessing to our animal friends!
Sun, December 8 2024
7 Kislev 5785
Today's Calendar
: 11:00am |
Friday Night
Candle Lighting : 5:05pm |
Friday Shabbat Service : 7:00pm |
Shabbat Day
Saturday Shabbat Service : 9:30am |
Havdalah : 6:14pm |
Youth Group Lock-In : 6:45pm |
Upcoming Programs & Events
Dec 8 |
Dec 14 Youth Group Lock-In Motzei Shabbat, Dec 14 6:45pm |
Dec 15 |
Jan 10 Family Service Friday, Jan 10 6:00pm |
Jan 11 |
This week's Torah portion is Parshat Vayishlach
Shabbat, Dec 14 |
Candle Lighting
Friday, Dec 13, 5:05pm |
Motzei Shabbat, Dec 14, 6:14pm |
Erev Chanukah
Wednesday, Dec 25 |
Congregation Shaar Hashalom, 16020 El Camino Real, Houston, TX 77062 281.488.5861.
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