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For those interested in sending support to Israel, please see the bottom of the homepage for more info.



We graciously accept donations to the following funds:

Adult Education Fund Promote programs that expand the Jewish educational horizons and attract the interest of the Jewish community.
Building Maintenance and Improvement Fund Fund major maintenance items that are not included in the routine building maintenance budget.
Cemetery Fund Provide burials for congregants with financial need. Fund a monument to identify our section of the cemetery. Support maintenance of the grounds if needed. Fund additional space when needed.
Education Fund Supports the religious school, funding equipment and activities not covered by tuition.
General Fund Fund the general operations of the synagogue.
Katy Izygon Library Fund Fund books, supplies, furniture, and maintenance for the library.
Musical Shabbat Fund Fund musical Shabbat services.
Oneg Fund Fund established to cover the cost of Onegs after services.
President's Discretionary Fund Used by the President at his/her discretion to support the Congregation and community.
Rabbi's Discretionary Fund Used by the Rabbi at his/her discretion to support members in need, the Congregation in general, the community, and other non-profit organizations.
Ringer Youth Group Scholarship Fund Provides support for USY and provide scholarships for our congregations youth to attend camp, USY events, conventions, and other activities as needed.
Ritual Fund Restore and maintain our Torahs, prayer books and chumashim. Fund other expenses related to services.
Social Action Participates in activities in the Clear Lake area to support CSH and the interfaith community.  (Interfaith Food Bank, Yom Kippur Food Drive, Purim Food Drive, Blessing of the Animals, Cooks for Cops, and Bagels at Bay Area Farmer's Market)

      Mail a donation to:   Congregation Shaar Hashalom
                                       16020 El Camino Real
                                       Houston, TX 77062


Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785