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  • 		                                		                                <span class="slider_title">
		                                    Your 5784/2023 High Holiday Hub Station!		                                </span>
		                            <span class="slider_description">Please click any of the links below for more information</span>

High Holiday Schedule

High Holiday tickets in Houston

**Purchases are now CLOSE**

Yizkor Book or Remembrance

**Purchases are now CLOSE**

Kol Nidre Annual Contribution donation

*For further questions on the food drive, send email to Social Action

**Due to lack of interest, there will be no babysitting for the HHDS this year.**

*Organized by CSH Sisterhood

**SIGNUPS are now CLOSE**

Rabbi Eitan Krul

Our synagogue, a beacon of faith and tradition, takes on a divine radiance during the High Holiday. A medley of old and new paints the air, as we warmly welcome our new rabbi, Rabbi Eitan Krul from Tel Aviv. Families gather together in their finest, as the sanctuary resonates with ancient melodies from our returning cantor, Cantor Laurie Rimland-Bonn, whose voice rises and falls like the tides of history. In the quiet moments of reflections, you can almost hear the echo of generations past, a solemn reminder of the indelible bond of heritage and spirituality here in the south Houston area and beyond. 

With the sounding of the Shofar we will begin our High holidays with prayers, meditations, and learning. 

All High Holiday Services will be held In-Person & Virtually. Please click the links above for more info. 

Shofar Blowing Practice


Cantor Lauri Rimland-BonnCantor Lauri Rimland-Bonn

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784